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S.C. Hofigal Export-Import S.A   

The company was founded in 1990 and became one of the most important providers of natural products on the Romanian market.

Being under a continuous development process, Hofigal produces and sells a wide range of products of medicinal hub and aromatic plants, pharmaceutical products, food supplements, cosmetics and active pharmaceutical matter in various presentation forms such as: tablets, covered tablets, capsules, solutions for internal and external use, multidoses and monodoses, ovules, suppositories, creams, gels.

All our manufacturing lines fulfill the requirements of G.M.P (Good Manufacturing Practice) and our microbiology and physics - chemistry quality control laboratories fulfill the requirements of European and international pharmacopoeia. Hofigal distinguish itself for the remarkable results of its research and development activity.

In 2003 Hofigal opened Alexandra Natural Therapy Center, located in Breaza, in a fresh mountain climate, near the road Sinaia-Busteni-Predeal.
Located in a magnificent place, with natural springs and fresh air, far away from the big cities pollution, the center offers the opportunity to heal and regain the joy of life through respect for the nature and its miraculous remedies.  

In 2006 Hofigal opened Hofimed Medical Center in Bucharest. Here there are used diagnosis and treatment methods based on the body’s own healing capabilities, with no adverse responses. Through these methods we try to cure the people not the illness.

Organization Policy

       At S.C. HOFIGAL EXPORT-IMPORT S.A, our day to day work means respecting the high standards for quality, environment, health and occupational safety and food safety. We strive to reach these objectives by:

  • fulfilling the legal standards and requirements
  • efficient working and continuous development of SCMI
  • involving all our personnel in creating the Hofigal brand, both on national and international market

We respect the requirements of G.M.P (Good Manufacturing Practice) for our medicinal products and the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice for our active pharmaceutical substances (A.P.S).Active editions, the requirements of references referentialelor ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2005, Specifications 18001:2004-OHSAS, ISO 22000:2005-HACCP.

The Quality Management sistem identifies and monitors all the processes done within the organisation, to ensure the obtainment of competitive products both on national and international markets, by respecting the norms of quality and performance mentioned in technico-normative applicable documents as well as the conditions imposed by partners and clients.

SC HOFIGAL EXPORT-IMPORT SA, through its managerial team led by the General Director tries to ensure the acomplishment of these quality and integrated management objectives:

  • The continuous rise of quality of the SCMI.
  • Satisfying the clients requests
  • Diversificating the products range
  • Obtaining the functioning authorization / GMP certification for all the fabrication fluxes
  • Certificates for ISO 22000:2005-HACCP with a prestigious internationally known company.
  • Mentaining certifications for ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2005, specifications 18001: 2004-OHSA
  • reorietating the customers towards high quality romanian products in conformation with international legislative quality laws.
  • rise of sales.
  • Protecting the environment of the exterior spaces within the SC HOFIGAL EXPORT - IMPORT SA organisation by reducing the volume of waste, exchanging liquid fuel with gaseous fuel at the power station and the installing of a self powered fire extinguishing system.
  • Mantaining and ensuring the general health and security of the organisations personnel
  • Implementing, mantaining and upgrading a nutriment management system.

We have named as Representative of Integrated Management (RIM) the Quality and Integrated Management Director, who’se responsability is to ensure the effective,efficiencent and constant upgrade of the  Quality and Integrated Management system.

All the personnel at S.C. HOFIGAL EXPORT-IMPORT S.A knows the organisations politics and is implicated in the acomplishment of the objectives.

High quality management, analyses quality politics and integrated management, thus trying to meet the proposed objectives, taking measures and working towards the improvement of the sistem.            all the human resources, tehnical and financial, including personal example and involvement, necessary for the succes of the Integrated Management and Quality sistem and that of our organisation.

The organisation’s mission

  High quality natural products for all client categories.

The management team

   Consists of young specialists, with great knowledge of the sistem and people with a great deal of experience in areas such as pharmaceutics,medicine, engineering and biochemistry.


   S.C. Hofigal Export –Import S.A who’se main objective is the fabrication of natural products through the complex valorification of medical and flawored plants abtained from self owned cultures, realised in ecological conditions, was formed in 1990 with all romanian assets.

   Year after year the company evolved in technological production fluxes, chemistry analyzing laboratories, qualified personnel and microbiological modern equipment, as well as the raising productivity and diversificating of the array of products. An important role in the evolution of the firm is the benefic collaboration of a handfull of people with experience in research and production, who utilising plants specific for the pedoclimatic conditions of our country obtained new original products through their own technologies, pattened in romania and award winning at international fairs.

   The results of the work of this group of specialists materialised also in the increase of the number of products manufactured from 3 in 1990 to 400 in 2007
The company evolved spectacularly after 2001 when a modern factory was built in terms of equipment, production fluxes, control and distribution of a certain number of products.The aftermath of this investment was the growth of the level of trust of a continually increasing number of people in the Hofigal brand.

Industrial objects in the S.C. Hofigal export – import S.A portofolio.

   Preocupied with the development and diversification of their array of products S.C. HOFIGAL EXPORT– IMPORT S.A, has commenced research in new production and fabrication technologies whitch have bloomed with the release of new products in the form of nutriment supplements.
Because the mixing and association of certain plants in different concentrations represents something new, the technologies and products that were a result of this technique, were pattented as inventions of this organisation through the State office for inventions and trademarks.

   In the present the company’s invention portfolio contains more than 60 entries.
Through the firm’s industrial property politics new brands of products have been created so that clients can identify a product of this company from a multitude of identical or similar ones from other companies. The consumer must be able to easily distinguish helpful and useful objects.

   The trademark plays a central role in the marketing strategies of companies contribuing to the defining of an image in the consumers perception of the products.
The image and reputation of a company generates trust in the local clientel and raises the companies prestige.

   Consumers often develop a emotional attachment for certain brand, because of a set of wanted qualities of because of certain aspects spefic for all products that share the brand. The „HOFIGAL” brand with over of 16 years of service is becoming a well known name in Romanian and over it’s borders.

   At this moment the company has a portfolio of over 40 brand. To help clients find those brands easier the company has created a series of signs and marks enlisted in the State office for inventions and trademarks.
The company has in it’s portfolio a number of 44 industrial drawings and another 20 registering requests for industrial signs and drawings.


   Distribution is done through our own means or through authorized distributors thus ensuring the presence of Hofigal’s products all through the country.
   The quality of our products has created partnerships with other countries, some of them from the the Europeand Comunity.


Our motto : „Nature Never Lies” 

   Copyright © 2007 Hofigal SA
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